Mo subs is mo betta.
When the bass is lacking we tend to turn the volume up more. That's because we don't hear low bass with anywhere near the sensitivity we hear midrange and treble. See: Fletcher-Munson curves. Now you no longer need to over-drive the rest of your system trying to make up for the lack of bass, you're able to turn the volume down and still be satisfied.
Some of our sense of space is derived from very low frequencies. The waves of low bass are so long, 40 ft and more, they are associated whether we know it or not with large spaces. Adding the subs got you to where now those low frequencies are finally being accurately reproduced. This creates the sense of space that accounts for why your stage seems so much wider now.
I hereby christen ye scm, DBA. Go forth and spread the Gospel!
When the bass is lacking we tend to turn the volume up more. That's because we don't hear low bass with anywhere near the sensitivity we hear midrange and treble. See: Fletcher-Munson curves. Now you no longer need to over-drive the rest of your system trying to make up for the lack of bass, you're able to turn the volume down and still be satisfied.
Some of our sense of space is derived from very low frequencies. The waves of low bass are so long, 40 ft and more, they are associated whether we know it or not with large spaces. Adding the subs got you to where now those low frequencies are finally being accurately reproduced. This creates the sense of space that accounts for why your stage seems so much wider now.
I hereby christen ye scm, DBA. Go forth and spread the Gospel!