Evolution Acoustics MMMicroOne

Hey guys,

Has anyone heard the new Evolution Acoustics MMMicroOne? Just saw this pic from CES 2011.


Any thoughts on this one?
Has anyone listened to these with lesser i mean lower costing equipment? I mean more than 30K on amp and front and a 2k speakers? Will it sound the same using let say 5-10k setup? If im not wrong on all shows the speakers are driven by either Dartzeel or Vitus amp that are way too expensive. Im not bashing these speakers i was also on the waiting list but decided i couldnt wait so long. delays and delays. It will be great if theres some feedback of these with tube amps or lower priced SS amp.
Neogeo, Great question. I spoke briefly with designer Kevin Malmren who indicated there are several installations of the speakers locally where they can be auditioned, but didn't ask about associated gear with them. That would seem to be a next logical A/B comparison.
I just heard they are now scheduled for delivery in november. Can anyone on pre-order confirm this?
I'm on the pre-order list and emailed Jonathan a few days ago. Haven't heard back from him yet. Will report back once i get his response.