Anyone experienced the Luxman MQ-300 or/and The Air Tight ATM-300R?

Considering one of those 2 to drive Devore Super 9 in a 14X16 living room..
Any thoughts?
No matter how good the Engsrom Arne sounds "brand new from the box".  IMO there’s no question that it will improve as hours of use begin to accumulate . It will most certainly relax and open up . This has been my experience with new amplifiers and especially those utilizing output transformers.

I suspect that both of these amplifiers are outstanding across the spectrum. The Engstrom representing uber level 300b sound quality in push pull configuration and the Luxman doing the same in SET configuration. I don’t see how one could not be absolutely thrilled with either driving an appropriately chosen speaker.
I haven’t have the time to even contact the store and I am truly happy with the configuration I have now. To be able to test the 2 would need to hear them with the exact same configuration which is complicated. At the end I’ll have maybe to sell all amp/pre as I am thinking of moving back to Europe..
No need to test. Just listen at the store, if you are free sometime, would love to know what you think.