Whatta Ya Think About Hsu Research Subwoofers?

I’m in the market to add one or possibly two subwoofers to my stereo set-up.  I would like to spend $1,000 or less per unit, and that puts some of the higher-rated units out of reach.  I came across an ad for Hsu, which I had not heard of before.  I didn’t want a Chinese product and it turns out that Hsu Research is based in California and founded by Dr. Hsu, who has a Ph.D from MIT.  Audio reviewer Steve Gutenberg gave one Hsu product a positive review.  I was wondering if any of you have experience with Hsu and could share your impressions/recommendations with me.

My existing set—up is:  Parasound P5 pre-amp with Parasound A21 amp;  Martin Logan 60XT tower loudspeakers.  Thanks!
I found HSU to be a step along the path to finding good subs.  I started out with a couple of Klipsch subs, which were complete garbage.  I then had a couple of HSU subs including the VTF-1, a VTF-3 MK3, and a VTF-3 HO.  The VTF-1 was surprisingly good for the price (200 bucks at the time?).  The VTF-3 MK3 was a solid performer.  The VTF-3 HO sucked.  It bottomed out really easily.  I bought it second hand, so maybe it was damaged, but when I contacted HSU and asked about it, they acted like that was "normal".  

I moved on to SVS, Rythmik, and Power Sound Audio and never looked back.  They all seemed to be better built and to have more output and tighter bass than the HSU subs I had.  Maybe a little more expensive, but more value for the dollar. 

That was a couple of generations of HSU subs ago, so maybe they've stepped up their game with their latest offerings. 

My impression of them was that they are the Emotiva of the subwoofer world.  Affordable and sound OK, but for not much more money you can have better build and sound quality.
Of course there are "better" subs.  But the OP has a budget.  I would also take the above comments with a grain of salt.  The older series models do not perform at the same level as current models.  Also, I much prefer a sealed design for music at this price.  
If budget is an issue, SVS has some affordable sealed subs. I have one of their older SB-12 NSD subs in my computer room system. 
SVS are a good choice too.If you buy two they are discounted.Worth a look anyway!I'm very happy with mine.
Corelli: I had a ULS15 and then bought a mkII as a mate.  I tried both alone and both were similarly disappointing compared to what I’ve found since then.  In fact, the mkII is still sitting at my friends, who is saving up money to upgrade.