Whatta Ya Think About Hsu Research Subwoofers?

I’m in the market to add one or possibly two subwoofers to my stereo set-up.  I would like to spend $1,000 or less per unit, and that puts some of the higher-rated units out of reach.  I came across an ad for Hsu, which I had not heard of before.  I didn’t want a Chinese product and it turns out that Hsu Research is based in California and founded by Dr. Hsu, who has a Ph.D from MIT.  Audio reviewer Steve Gutenberg gave one Hsu product a positive review.  I was wondering if any of you have experience with Hsu and could share your impressions/recommendations with me.

My existing set—up is:  Parasound P5 pre-amp with Parasound A21 amp;  Martin Logan 60XT tower loudspeakers.  Thanks!
Of course there are "better" subs.  But the OP has a budget.  I would also take the above comments with a grain of salt.  The older series models do not perform at the same level as current models.  Also, I much prefer a sealed design for music at this price.  
If budget is an issue, SVS has some affordable sealed subs. I have one of their older SB-12 NSD subs in my computer room system. 
SVS are a good choice too.If you buy two they are discounted.Worth a look anyway!I'm very happy with mine.
Corelli: I had a ULS15 and then bought a mkII as a mate.  I tried both alone and both were similarly disappointing compared to what I’ve found since then.  In fact, the mkII is still sitting at my friends, who is saving up money to upgrade.

     I read that contuzzi and corelli wisely use a pair of subs in their systems.  But I'm just curious if other posters on this thread have experienced the many very significant bass performance quality improvements realized when multiple properly positioned and configured subs are deployed in their rooms.  
     If anyone is still utilizing just a single sub in their room/system, I can assure you that adding a 2nd sub will provide an obvious and highly significant improvement in bass performance quality. 
     Utilizing 3 or more subs will provide near state of the art bass performance quality that I'm fairly certain will stun and amaze you, as first experiencing  the bass performance quality of a 4-sub DBA system in my room and system stunned and amazed me about 4 years ago.  I honestly don't believe it's possible for me to overstate how effective the DBA concept actually works in virtually any room and with any pair of main speakers.
     The only precautions worth mentioning are that you'll need separate controls on each sub for volume, crossover frequency and continuously variable phase if you create your own custom 3-4 sub DBA system using traditional self-amplified subs of your own choice and you'll need to set these controls individually on each sub.  If an Audio Kinesis complete 4-sub Swarm or Debra DBA system is used, however, all 3 of these controls exist on the supplied Dayton SA-1000 class AB 1K watt amp/control unit and only need to be set for all 4 passive  subs this amp powers in mono mode.  Each sub is 12"wx 14.5"dx 28"h, weighs 44lbs, contains a 10" aluminum long-throw woofer and is rated at 4 ohms.
      Another option for those who are handy and so inclined, is to buy a Dayton SA1000 sub amp/control unit for $300-400 from Parts Express and build 3-4 passive subs of your choice as to size, design and driver.
This option also has the benefit of only needing to set the volume, crossover frequency and phase once for all passive subs this amp/control unit powers in mono mode.  All sub wiring connections are made in series/parallel.  Depending on the choices made on the DIY subs, however, the total cost could exceed the $3K price of either of the AK complete 4-sub DBA kits.
