Best Amp With Some Warmth and Midrange Magic - Need 150wpc solid state, 100wpc Tube

I just ordered a pair of the ground breaking RAAL ear speakers after hearing them fairly extensively in a couple systems. They are a new type of sound reproducing device that sits on your head, like headphones, but it never touches your ears, and the ribbon speakers are set at varying distances off of your ears. This amazing product has absolutely incredible speed, detail and clarity, very surprising bass, and brilliant soundstaging. I'm not sure you could equal those qualities in a speaker at 20 times the price. The trick is, they require an amplifier that would be used for speakers. I think they are capable of moving from amazing to absolutely magical when paired with the right amp. That would be one, which brings some warmth and midrange magic to the party.

Normally this would clearly mean a good tube amplifier.However, the numbers of tube amps that would fill the bill are greatly narrowed due to the fact that, to perform optimally, the RAAL's require 150wpc solid state, and 100wpc tubed. And there are no shortcuts. As one reviewer experienced, as also did my friend and I, even the excellent ARC Reference 75 tube amp (with a rock solid 75wpc) came up a bit short in our listening. As did a very respected solid state amp rated at 100wpc.  

I would appreciate any recommendations of warmer solid state amps of the necessary wattage, or any potential tube amps that come to mind. My finances would great appreciate limiting the cost to $2500.00 or under, used. Older amps are fine unless they are at a point where they would need to be recapped/refurbished at significant expense.

Any recommendations, thoughts or expertise is greatly appreciated. Thanks.
I talked to RAAL after the amplifier power needed was specified in every review. They did verify the 150 watt solid state, 100 watt tubed amp requirements. I probably should have pointed out that the RAAL's come with a special interface box which presents a 6 ohm load to the amplifier, and whcih the SR71a's plug into. 

The ribbon speakers are 3/4ths to an inch from your ear, and are honestly very different from anything normally labeled as a headphone. 
Thanks for the BAT recommendation. Thats a very good amp, at an excellent price. However, BAT's are fully balanced designs and not ideal being used single ended with adaptors. I've spoken to BAT in the past, and they strongly recommend sticking to balanced electronics throughout the chain when using one of their amps. 
I would buy, if going vintage, a Sansui of the alpha series....I own a Sansui alpha and one Au-7700....I love them....Any big Sansui of the series AU also will do the job at a low price...My Sansui AU 7700 is detailed and sound like tube...A bigger one of the AU series will have the same sound...A recaped one at lower price than the price the OP is willing to pay is possible...Just right now on EBay ( around 1000 dollars) there is a Sansui 11,000 rated officially110 watts, but my 7700 is officially rated 58 watts and my tech rated it 80 watts....Sansui create some big machine of the highest quality for their times and even compared to now....

With the remaining money buy a big lithium battery and go off the grid....
Check out the Usher 1.5 power amp 150watts first 20-30 in class A, is said to sound a lot like a tube amp, just with more slam, it’s an updated Threshold design. Price just about your limit.