Why is Sony Digital sound more like vinyl?

I have had Levinson, BAT, ARC, Wadia, Meridian, Denon etc...players..and the top ones, yet when I purchased a Sony scd-XA777Es I was touched in a way none of the others could! The one thing in common with the other gear was Burr Brown DAC's. Also, I have come to believe that RCA (single ended)connections are more musical. Most of my gear has been balanced...when I went all single ended...ah!!!...music like when audio was new!! Lastly, I have found that if CD playback levels on a preamp rise quikly with low volume settings...musicality and low level detail is lost. Perhaps others out there in Audiogon land have pondered my musings...or maybe I've got way to much time on my hands!!
Dave_b, were all pithed now, controlled by the advertising we see. nothing but a pathetic bunch of mind controlled robots. Yer the only one who still listens to meaningful music!


Out of 3 responses that actually repsonded to the question/statement, 2 disagreed and 1 agreed. I wouldnt say that is a good enough reference point to decide that people either take the advertizements as definitive truth or outright lies.

You also have to take into account that maybe that player works great with yer system, but not so good with other systems. Making a statement that yer one of the only people who looks past advertizing and yer one of the only people who listens to meaningful music this early into the thread is pretty pre-mature and a rather bold statement, especially considering the amount of audiophiles who post here. It is also somewhat condensending and arrogant as well.

Tell ya what, maybe that player totally sucks monkey butt on other rigs than yer own, but plays beautifully and naturally on your system because it is well matched to your system.

And maybe, just maybe, there are a few other people here who do not get caught up in marketing hype and actually have enough experience to make a vaid informed opinion of the player you mentioned, be it for OR against.

different strokes for different folks. Some people will agree with you, some will agree.

That certainly does not mean that the people who disagree with you are wrong. Taste and opinion are pretty diverse and subjective to personal standards that only that specific individual will understand.

Just because somone disagrees with you does not mean they are a marketing-slave. They just have a different opinion. And you know what? That is ok.

If we all felt the exact same way about every piece of gear, then we would all have identical systems.

where is the fun in that?

Some of the mags spoke very highly of the XA777ES, mostly refering to the SACD playback. I bought one without listening to it first (never a good idea) and found it to be clinical on both SACD/CD. I wouldn't describe it's sound as anything close to vinyl or really good SACD/CD playback. However, if it sounds good to you then that's all that matters.
If the XA777es sounds anything like the CX777es (carousel) then it needs a lot of help in stock form. The CX777es mods out really nice - almost reference quality. The analog outs on the CX are AC-coupled, but I eliminate this - makes a huge improvement. If this is the same on the XA, then this should be done there as well.
the CX777es is nothing like the XA777es. The XA is the multichannel version of the SCD777es. Both were, during their respective productions the second in the line below the SCD 1. The CX was just another multlidisc player.

I have the SCD777es, and I have been more pleased with it than the previous CDPs I have owned. As the system gets better I find that the Sony doesn't even sound too bad. SACD is obviously better, but...

If someone told me that I could never listen to my TT again and only had the Sony, after several months of crying I would except my fate, and go on with life.

Digital isn't the worst format, but it sure isn't the best.
What I'm saying is that I hear something more musical going on with the better Sony stuff (SCD-1, 777ES, XA777ES and XA9000ES) than with the Burr Brown stuff and I wonder if anyone else may have some insight on the subject. I have and can afford pretty much anything available...the Sony stuff was purchased as an experiment in SACD! What shocked me after having had 3 Sony players over the last 4 years between the other front ends, is how much less Hi-Fi it sounded and how it didn't roll off the extremes or the acoustic space and air on recordings...they also have a knack for creating tube like "action" with instruments which shocked me!! I once replaced my SCD-1 with a levinson 37 and 360s combo because it had more of an initial pizazz factor...I wish I had it back now. By the way, all my comments are meaningless unless it is understood that a quality power cord is used with the Sony's...the stock power cords make the units sound like AM radios!!