Thinking to replace my phono

Hi All,

I was wondering, what are the benefits I can get by replacing the phono stage with a more expensive one, say -  8K$-11K$?
My current analog setup made from Brinkmann Bardo turntable & 10.5 arm, Miyajima-Laboratory Kansui cartridge, Zesto Andros PS phono. The above setup connects to Luxman C\M900u pre+amp and Magico S3mk2 speakers.

Any thought or knowledge is welcome.
Wow the system you have outlined above is one the majority of us would call an end game setup, certainly in that league. What is it you are hoping to gain in upgrading your phono? Sometimes more money doesn't equate to better sound, just different sound. Good luck on your quest and enjoy your already fine setup in the mean time. Enjoy the music
I had a Bardo a long time ago and it was ok, it did have speed control issues. Try seeing if using the Timeline device your unit is fine. 
millercarbon  in your opinion what is the weakest component in my setup?

Well, that depends on your definition of component. In terms of big box name recognition components you are as tooblue said end game. In terms of what I call a component though you got a few MIA. 

The phono stage you are considering is gonna be, well I don't know but let's just say a couple grand more money net. Unless you get lucky and find you like the Herron and it is less. But let's assume you already tried one and are beyond that now. Which could well be. In fact I went and checked out your whole system    and will assume for the sake of argument everything including the rack and right down to the spikes cannot be beat anywhere at any price and so with that as a given what "component" am I talking about? 

What "weak link" could be upgraded for say $3k for the same or greater improvement than a better phono stage? That was my meaning. 

And my answer:

You have stuff still on factory feet. BDR Cones, or any cones, or anything for that matter, will be a big upgrade. 

I see one grounding plug on one unused RCA, and several others sitting there open. Depending on what you use here this one thing alone could be bigger than any phono stage anyone makes and at a fraction the cost. 

Acoustics, you got a beautiful home and I love wood as much as the next guy, more actually, but that big flat cabinet is a killer. When doing my system I learned something much smaller than that between the speakers ruined the image. You don't have to use an ugly panel but if that thing is drawers even something as simple as pulling them out partway open will help to break up the large flat surface. A wood diffusor might be another way to go. Or for sure Synergistic Research HFT stuck on there, hardly noticeable, huge improvement. Any or all of these are certain to improve the sound and for a lot less than the cost of another component.

Can't tell from your system page if you have upgraded fuses, or are using quality contact enhancement, or a power conditioner. If there's any power cords I missed em. There's wires dangling down under the cabinet. If that means what I think it means you could probably improve your cable routing. 

Ballpark estimate you could do BDR Cones under the stuff with factory feet, SR Orange Fuses in everything with a fuse, and a couple sets of HFT and ECT, and all for less than a new phono stage. If you do all this and then upgrade to an amazing stage I think you will be saying well I'll be, that miller guy was right after all.
If your arm is Brinkmann 10.5 then effective mass is 12g ? 
Miyajima Kansui compliance is 9cu @ 10Hz and this is a very low compliance for 12g tonearm which is designed for mid compliance cartridges. At least you have to use special heavy mounting screws to add mass, this is all you can do with this tonearm.

I have the same Kansui cartridge and i think you can improve its performance with much heavier tonearm like IKEDA if a tonearm/cartridge resonance matching is important for you.