Whatta Ya Think About Hsu Research Subwoofers?

I’m in the market to add one or possibly two subwoofers to my stereo set-up.  I would like to spend $1,000 or less per unit, and that puts some of the higher-rated units out of reach.  I came across an ad for Hsu, which I had not heard of before.  I didn’t want a Chinese product and it turns out that Hsu Research is based in California and founded by Dr. Hsu, who has a Ph.D from MIT.  Audio reviewer Steve Gutenberg gave one Hsu product a positive review.  I was wondering if any of you have experience with Hsu and could share your impressions/recommendations with me.

My existing set—up is:  Parasound P5 pre-amp with Parasound A21 amp;  Martin Logan 60XT tower loudspeakers.  Thanks!
Nicely dismissive, Tim!  Lol

I just posted a grainy photo in my profile showing the space I am working with.  Sorry it is so dark and fuzzy.  The doors to the right are to my garage and laundry room, so cannot block those.  The table that holds my electronics is centered under the TV — Martin Logan towers are to each side of that, but hard to make out.  There is space to the left, as I can move the tower that holds my CDs and the record albums.  I wish I had Bluetooth capability for the subwoofers, as I could place one further to the right out of the line of foot traffic, and then I have space for one on the left.  I could cover the cable with a small throw rug I suppose.   
If "prodigious amounts of bass is your thing", what difference does it make how you get it, whether it’s speakers or complementing speakers with a subwoofer (or multiple subs)? Even if you just want a "realistic" amount of bass, again, why does it matter how you achieve that?  A purpose driven device (the subwoofer) just might be better than one that’s trying to be a jack of all trades (the speaker).

And it doesn’t have to be 4 subs. I have 4. Having 4 is awesome and a great option, but might not be the best solution for everyone. It’s certainly not an option in my 12’ X 12’ room where I have my Harbeth P3ESR’s set up. A single entry level 12" sub works great in that system.

The best subwoofer integration I’ve heard to date was done with two subs. Compared to that system, I feel like my 4 subwoofer system is more of a band-aid than a best of class solution. Not that mine sounds bad, it’s very good, but there’s always more than one way to skin a cat.
I use a pair of HSU's with my Maggie's.  I recently added two more subs, generic 8" in the back corners of my room. So .7" fed by a Parasound A-21.

The HSU subs I run with both ports sealed and crossed over about 90. The back subs have cleaned the bass up spectacularly. Best I have ever had.
OP, I’ve got the smaller Motion 40s and a HSU ULS 15 MK2 in a room not too different from yours.  It’s a great subwoofer for the price.  Volume knob is less than half way. Crossover I have tried at 60 and it is great.  I bought my sub in black.
You can give Syzygy a look, wireless, great support, almost bullet proof, auto e.q. and won’t break the bank. Good recent reviews.