Selling on Audiogon

It appears that it has become more difficult for individuals to sell equipment on Audiogon. com. Has anyone else had that experience. PayPal requires you to set up a business and the other available option also appears difficult. Am I alone in such an experience? Any other alternative that can be suggested?
 There are levels of acceptability (or not) for sales. 
1) Tell your friends and neighbors. (you will lose a few friends, but you'll still be stuck with your neighbors).
2) Sell locally on Craig's list. Then meet with the dude that shows up in an old pick up truck... with his friends.
3) Sell on eBay, and take the chance that those who respond know little or less about your product, and will will make a ridiculous 'offer'. Trust me, I know.
4) Sell on US Audio Mart and get fewer replies. But hey, it's free.
5) Bite the bullet and sell here on Audiogon. My fastest sales have happened here with the least amount of trouble. I can usually sell in a short amount of time, BUT yes, I have to say that the PP debacle has made even A'gon less desirable than it ever was in the past.
The merchant ID requirement for Paypal is for tax purposes, I believe.  If you are a listener who sells a few pieces of gear each year, it shouldn't be a problem.  If you sell a lot of gear, you may hear from the IRS.

Getting a merchant ID is not difficult and shouldn't drive you away.
I have been a member here since 1999 and have sold a LOT of stuff on Audiogn since then. I don't sell anything here anymore, but I still buy from time to time. I have had pretty good luck with US Audio Mart in the last few years, so that's my go to site for gear selling.


Like I said I listed a couple of items yesterday but I agree with ozzy62 from now on I think I'll use US Audio mart, getting to expensive here.
  A 30 day listing for the fee of 2% of the sale price. Plus a free 30 day relist if the item does not sell seems like a fair price to me.