Do my Dynaudio Evidence Temptations require more amp?

I have the Mcintosh 452 and was wondering if my speakers could be better served. Thanks in advance.
Thanks George! I was confirming what I suspected you might say. The McIntosh 452 sounds pretty darn good but I’m always looking for possible upgrade steps. I used to own the JC1s and liked them but my speakers at the time didn’t require that kind of juice so I move on. I probably should have kept them as they are great amps for any speaker. As for the JC1+, maybe on the used market when the price comes down. Lol
Your Mac is 450wpc. What do you expect to be better with the Parasound?  It would be a cold day in hell before I gave up any of my McIntosh for a Parasound.  I had a Parasound Halo Integrated and compared to the McIntosh integrated I replaced it with, sounded like a cheap transistor radio.  I would keep what you have if it were I. 
I’m not planning any changes. The JC1s are a different beast than the integrated though. 
If by "more amp" you mean more power or an amp that is more capable of handling the particular load your speakers present, my answer is probably not.  I am not familiar with your particular Dynaudio speaker, but, it would be ridiculous for a speaker to demand more power than the Mac delivers, and any speaker that is too difficult a load that that kind of amp would be a horribly defective product.

Now whether or not the Mac sounds good enough with your particular speaker, or any other given speaker, is a different issue.  I only heard the 452 with one particular speaker, which is a high efficiency/easyload speaker, and I personally did not like the sound--it sounded lifeless and un-engaging.  That is my general impression with most high-powered solid state amps, but, I thought it was particularly the case with the 452 with this speaker. 
bubba12....i recommend a plinius amp for that speakers.   From my experiences with most dynaudio drivers they are current hungry ( the more damping factors the better).   Mac imho doesn’t have the current factors to drive dynaudio drivers.  Happy Listening!