
Created by Don Lindich, this keeps track of stylus hours.
I keep a notebook and write down the date and the elapsed time of listening to discs as well as to vinyl. This pretty well tells me how much time I have on my cartridge and also tells me how many hours I have on which tubes.
I tried that for a while. Turned out the total elapsed time I was able to tolerate listening to discs was zero. So now I just play records. When they sound good I play more. But they always sound good.

On an Index card I make a Roman numeral mark for every album side. 20 minutes per sid. Total divided by 3 is the hours. Not exact. But its closer than the hrs shown on my lawn tractor. I forgot to turn off ignition and it now shows 60-70 more hrs than actual. Same would happen with this timer. Forget to stop and I bet your time is messed up (fubar)
An example   iiii/ iiii/ iiii/ =15 sides or 5 hrs 

The shipping on one of those was $12. With tax, shipping etc, $16.08. Not much less than the OP's link
Uh....the Stylus timer is fine. The sample deal has expired! Just couldn't help but goof on another audio gadget.
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