
Created by Don Lindich, this keeps track of stylus hours.
I tried that for a while. Turned out the total elapsed time I was able to tolerate listening to discs was zero. So now I just play records. When they sound good I play more. But they always sound good.

On an Index card I make a Roman numeral mark for every album side. 20 minutes per sid. Total divided by 3 is the hours. Not exact. But its closer than the hrs shown on my lawn tractor. I forgot to turn off ignition and it now shows 60-70 more hrs than actual. Same would happen with this timer. Forget to stop and I bet your time is messed up (fubar)
An example   iiii/ iiii/ iiii/ =15 sides or 5 hrs 

The shipping on one of those was $12. With tax, shipping etc, $16.08. Not much less than the OP's link
Uh....the Stylus timer is fine. The sample deal has expired! Just couldn't help but goof on another audio gadget.
And yet nobody, even the manufacturers, can say how many hours a stylus can play before it needs replacement.  

Maybe just listen for a degradation of image and soundstage.  Maybe depth of image and layering.  Those are indications that the stylus is worn and needs to be evaluated by a professional or replaced.  
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