Seriously considering tube preamp…opinions?

Tube virgin, here. I am building a system and I'm trying to contain the preamp/amp cost to $3k or so. (I could go up a little.) 

I'm inclined not to dive into tubes all the way through, but get a solid state on the output end. (Open to suggestions; inclined toward PS Audio, Parasound.) I'm reading around about tube preamps and have talked with my local dealer, who sells Black Ice/Jolida and Prima Luna (PL). He used to carry Rogue but said they kept coming back for repairs. That's why he carries PL.

I'm asking these questions after having established (via reviews, comments) that Schiit gear is quite the value. Lately, I've been reading about Decware and other small tube makers. I'm very curious about buying direct, if possible, and a company that stands behind their products is crucial.

So, your opinions about tube integrated or *especially* tube preamps —

1. Who do you like? Consider I want to do pre/amp for a total of $3k if possible.

2. Do you think PL is worth all that money just for a preamp? I get the feeling they're high quality but a bit over-hyped. (No disrespect to the highly passionate Kevin Deal, but he's all over my search results.) And what would you think about $2k/$1k preamp-to-amp spending ratio?

3. Any sense of what happened to Jolida since the name change to "Black Ice"? I see there's a sordid story there but did the re-branding clear up the mess? Any experiences with the Black Ice company?

4. I know there are many Schiit fans out there; so my question would be -- did anyone consider Schiit for tube preamp and go another way? Or move beyond Schiit for any particular reason? It's hard not to just capitulate and do a Freya+ or Saga+ but why wouldn't one just go with Schiit?

...One of the benefits of tube amplification is the differences in sound possibilities. ..

Yes. Very true, tube amps offering switchable triode / ultralinear is fun. And, flavoring sound using different sounding input/driver tubes (various). In addition some of the better designs permit varied use of different EL34, 6L6*, 6550, KT77, KT88, KT90, KT120s, and some recent designs permitting use of KT150s. Thirdly, changing coupling caps offers other flavors of sound. Very tunable to taste once learning some of the signatures from different tubes. Best to have friends with similar tube amps to loan/compare tubes. Super tunable to taste - great flexibility.

With solid state pre/amplification, pretty much locked in (take it as-is) excluding maybe playing around with different interconnects in an attempt to passive EQ the sound -OR- this is when the speaker-change rollercoaster ensues. It’s also a benefit with SS, fewer options keeps one away from the very tempting tube rolling rollercoaster with tube amps.

LM508ia offers triode sweetness and bass control. Not a pure Line Magnetic fan boy and can think of other more expensive options that might sound better. I'd like to move up to a 6SN7 line stage with KT88 amp from Don Sachs or Aric some day.

Also with a 7.5' ceiling, peaks and nulls will be at ear level. Thinking Moab from Tekton could smooth that out from the excitation side, woofers are top and bottome in the cabinet,  or try and absorb with GIK panels. I do like Salk speakers, just not as tube friendly.
Thanks for the extra info decooney.
brotw -- i'll look into tekton, possibly. I'm going to try to really love those salks and match them with the right amp; I'll have about 30 days to get them in front of as much amplification as possible. will probably need to burn them in a bit first.
Have you confirmed which of the Salks you are going with (84db or 90db, other)?