Wilson's Chronosonic XVX loudspeaker over 3/4 of a million US dollars

Wonder what the impedance/-phase angle graph will look like on these puppies, looking at the amount of D'Agostino amps used to drive them, I'd say could be pretty evil.


Cheers George
Mike: The Audiogon discussion forums have changed. The days of IMO or IMHO are gone. Several members seem to think that their opinions are fact - in a very bloviating way. Their chronic posts are as fatiguing a noisy tweeter.

Not just the Audiogon forums, pretty much all forums.

I haven't heard these, but I have heard the Alexandria XLF in a correctly sized and corrected room, and I was very impressed. And previously, I would not have considered myself a Wilson fan. 

I would have to assume the Chronosonic are better.

THere have been few speakers I've heard that are able to get the scale close to realistic size. An orchestra seemed very much like the scale of an orchestra from about 15 rows back, and a singer with a guitar was also accurately scaled.
@mikelavigne I guess we will have to agree to disagree. The forum in question has some of the worst moderation of any I have ever been on. To that, there seems to be a person ( we both know who he is) that throws as much mud as he wishes...with absolute impunity. I think you were the brunt of his recent ad hominem...whether you believe it or not.
IMHO, this forum is moderated infinitely superior to that one. Over there, so many blowhards that believe their own ’BS’ it’s staggering. No moderation on ad hominem’s and failure to halt agendas...like the site owners' ongoing push to sell gear he reps.
I am VERY pleased that I have absolutely nothing to do with those folks on that forum..here is a much healthier place...even i think for you!
I find the situation odd and this may be my own preference but IMHO (sorry to disappoint you steakster) it is unlikely that any Wilson loudspeaker can come close to matching the tall Sound Labs speakers for detail, transient response and phasing. I have never heard a dynamic speaker come close. Why anyone would spend that kind of money on a loudspeaker when you can have the state of the art for $50K is beyond me. Ego maybe? Perhaps not knowing that such loudspeakers exist? Maybe they just got sold on them. Whatever. I have heard big Wilson's (not the 3/4 million ones) and big Magico's (but not YG's) and none of them match big ESLs. I do not own a pair of Sound Labs yet but that day is surely coming. 
mijosten.. obviously there are those that disagree with you. are they wrong?
daveyf.. which badly moderated forum are you talking about? audioshark? just curious
i have no problem with you, but you can certainly be a ’button pusher’ from time to time and push the envelope. and thus pay the price.


that forum Davey refers to is What’s Best Forum. and while i disagree on Davey’s moderator site ranking, i can agree that the WBF mods do have a few blind spots.

but honestly it’s the forum members who determine a forum culture. and if those members care about the forum and accept responsibility for what happens and self police, then the moderators are not relevant. THAT is what does happen on WBF, that certainly rarely happens here. and maybe Audiogon is too big and unwieldy at this point for the sort of sense of community that exists on WBF.

audiogon is all things to all people, which is unique among hifi forums i've seen. it covers a wider spectrum of enthusiasts. so it's just different.