Separates or Integrated? What makes more sense?

If you had $10,000 to spend on amplification, would you put all that money and get a really great and pricey integrated amp like a Pass or Luxman. Or, would you use that 10k to buy a really great preamp and amp combo. Apart from the convenience and space consideration, hypothetically how would you choose to spend that 10k if sound was your main criterion.

I guess the question I have is if a 5k amp and 5k preamp going to sound appreciably better than a integrated which cost 10k?  The ability to build my own amplification combo by mixing and matching is attractive.  On the other hand, good IA have an inbuilt compatibility.  Are Integrateds overpriced because of all the extra engineering and design, and is this compromise affect the sound.  
No, I would not get one like Pass or Luxman. Come on. Get serious. That kind of money, I would get something good. Which coincidentally is just what I been working on. Which also coincidentally was exactly $10k, but I notice just now they raised it to $10,995. Whatever. This absolutely positively cannot be beat with any combination of separates without spending a lot more. Which is why I will be getting it.  Some day....

Behold. The Raven Reflection MkII
hypothetically how would you choose to spend that 10k if sound was your main criterion. 
There is no hypothetically with me, not where sound is concerned. Sound quality is always my main criterion, and that means getting the most for my money, and that means getting an integrated. that Reflection is gonna look even sweeter than the Melody.
I would go with the Luxman integrated.  I would listen, take a look-see, and then buy.  

Happy owner of the last new 507ux in the US here. :)

Luxman really did put in a top preamp and amp in the combo. Many brands say they do, and then it is still a step down. Not true with the Luxmans.

The only reason in my mind for separates in the Luxman is power/current needs. If you have hard to drive speakers and must have the extra large power supply.

<10000$ integrated for sure.
 >$15000 (and if you are an experienced audiophile, and esp if you are going for tubes) then separates. 
There are too few tube integrated choices in the higher end price point. With separates you can do the tube preamp/SS amp combo.