Floor Stander or Monitor w/ 2 subs? What does the later give up in a large room?

My listening room is also the Living room. My wife would love to get rid of the floor standing Silverlines. I can deal with that since I've had these for a long time. Change is good. But will it be a good move to go to monitors with 2 S-5 Rel type subs? I am considering Watkins Gen 4 speakers. I've heard them and they sound very good. But will they fill a 5000+ cu ft room?. That is my only reservation...size of imaging. What else...or am I wrong in my thinking they will lack anything? I will try them but I'd like to know what to look out 

IME she’ll hate whatever you get so you’re better off commandeering a different room just for yourself (and good luck with that unless it is in the attic, basement, or garage). She may not say anything at first as she tries to allow you your silly sound hobby, but soon enough it’ll come out. Subs?! Ha! Women are room designers for visual aesthetics and speakers are never in their plans. Fair warning. And good luck.
If silverlines aren’t aesthetically pleasing, try in walls or a bose wave radio.

I love being single!

She’s put up with my music system in the LR for 45 yrs now so I guess I can keep things as they are. But it would be nice to give her a room for "pretty" So this is far from a new experience for her or me. I have Silverline Sonatas now (floor standers) I'm just wondering if I can get equal sound with the monitors and subs (I now have)  Unfortunately, I have too many hobbies and my drums & albums take one room. Attic isn’t big enough. Don’t have basement. Building an addition is the only alternative.


Really!!!! Is that the best suggestion you have? BTW Ya don’t have to be single to have a nice system.
I'm looking at some nice Salk monitors that get down far enough to perhaps make a sub unnecessary. Plus, very nice wood choices. http://www.salksound.com/type.php?format=Monitor