help need in choosing a $800 to $1500 cd player

hi all,

Help needed in picking a CD player in the 800 to 1550 dollar price range. On my short list are

A Quad 99CD-P/2, Jolida JD-100A, Rega Apollo, Music hall CD25.2 L-1 with Undewood mods, Njoe Tjoeb 4000 with upsampler and a used Sony SCD-777Es sacd/cd.


You might want to save some money and at least check out the new Cambridge Audio Azur 640 v2 CD player. Although it does not have upsampling or HDCD decoding, it has individual DACs per channel and absolutely sings. It is noticeably superior to the previous iteration, and that one played to rave reviews in the British press. I have a number of friends who have replaced their high profile players, including a couple on your list, with this one, simply because it sounds better.
Good luck.
It looks like you have found the usual suspects in your price range. The Quad player is a very nice sounding player and gives you digital inputs so you can also use it as a DAC. This is a way cool benefit if computer music or another source may be in your future.. My nod goes to the Quad..

Good Luck!
A used Audio Aero Prima is a wonderful choice. No sacd, however. At $1500 you are very close (brand spanking new) to AA's newest Prima. I sold mine a few months ago, making way for a player that does sacd/dvd-a. I don't think you will be disappointed with the Primna. Check the archives. peace, warren :)