a remark:
It is incredible but each increasing S.Q. change is incremental and build on the previous one...The road is open and you go on behind each leading improvement idea coming from the last one...
The level of changes I had experienced in the last years exceed by all measure all the changes in my first 6 years of unconscious moves toward improvement, at this times mainly by dreaming about a miraculous piece of gear like the ultimate solution ( Berning ZOTL amplifier for example, and I dont doubt about the high quality of this component I dream to buy one day).
Just a little change in my audio system that is very sensible now can reveal astounding improvement... One inch rectangular piece of Shungite+ copper tape on one side ( what I called a thin"golden" plate) put on only one Schumann generator( I have 10 S.G. ) makes a spectacular improvement in piano timbre and rendition for example...
The more your system is rightly embedded the more some tiny or innocuous modification gives to you some impactful impression....
I am amazed to report here one change after another in my audio system, I am amazed and I am conscious now of this fact: almost all people are unconscious of the higher capabilities of their own audio system …. Dont buy anything costly, think before....
If my remark are useful for only one of you I will be glad....If someone had teach me that the first years would have been less painful less frustrating and more fun....Newcomers like I was, except for buying, we dont know what to do and where to begins... It is simple, there exist mainly 4 embeddings : mechanical, electrical, and 2 acoustical room modifications way, one passive the other active... You begins with these 4, little by little changes....Homemade simple stuff and low cost materials are all is needed...
It is incredible but each increasing S.Q. change is incremental and build on the previous one...The road is open and you go on behind each leading improvement idea coming from the last one...
The level of changes I had experienced in the last years exceed by all measure all the changes in my first 6 years of unconscious moves toward improvement, at this times mainly by dreaming about a miraculous piece of gear like the ultimate solution ( Berning ZOTL amplifier for example, and I dont doubt about the high quality of this component I dream to buy one day).
Just a little change in my audio system that is very sensible now can reveal astounding improvement... One inch rectangular piece of Shungite+ copper tape on one side ( what I called a thin"golden" plate) put on only one Schumann generator( I have 10 S.G. ) makes a spectacular improvement in piano timbre and rendition for example...
The more your system is rightly embedded the more some tiny or innocuous modification gives to you some impactful impression....
I am amazed to report here one change after another in my audio system, I am amazed and I am conscious now of this fact: almost all people are unconscious of the higher capabilities of their own audio system …. Dont buy anything costly, think before....
If my remark are useful for only one of you I will be glad....If someone had teach me that the first years would have been less painful less frustrating and more fun....Newcomers like I was, except for buying, we dont know what to do and where to begins... It is simple, there exist mainly 4 embeddings : mechanical, electrical, and 2 acoustical room modifications way, one passive the other active... You begins with these 4, little by little changes....Homemade simple stuff and low cost materials are all is needed...