2 way, which are the best designs?

I've been looking for what is considered the epitome of the 2 (or 2.5) way design loudspeaker.
Be it active or passive!
I'd like to get some tips, please chime in
Preferably would be stand mount monitor, but floorstanding would be ok to.
(Today i use Barefoot Sound Micromain 27)
My Focal Sopra 1’s are the best two way speakers I have heard in my system.  Still have them and probably always will.
Gosta, no they’re not. But i don’t get what that has to do with my question?
I’ve actually never used a 2 way design.
Lately I’ve been curious to listen more closely to a few. The mentioned ones above are rather small compaired to MM 27. Hm, forgot. I had a small PMC monitor 2 years. But it was hardly full range. If I would buy a set now, they have to better MM 27

nobody here knows your MM27. They are very harsh speakers.