I've been to the Virgin Record store in Orlando twice in the last year and it was hopping. Last time I stood in line behind 10-12 people but it was in a tourist area. Same thing with Dearborn Music even though I usually go in mornings during the week. However, I've noticed local Borders' music sections are quite empty. Problem I have with on-line is the lack of ability to browse. Virgin has such a hugh selection that I always find things that I didn't know existed or stuff forgotten years ago. Maybe someone can tell me how to cruise through Amazon finding stuff I didn't know about or had forgotten. Same reason I don't use NetFlix anymore - too damn difficult to scope out the available movies.
My local store sells some SACDs for $15.00 but it seems there are manufacturers who still think the format is worth $25.00.
My local store sells some SACDs for $15.00 but it seems there are manufacturers who still think the format is worth $25.00.