Anyone still using this player? Sony DVP-S9000ES

I had this player at one time,...and my memory has, likely, kept a better audio memory than it may have actually had.  Am I simply having a fond old memory, or is this still a good player for audio?  Any experience?  Thanks.
I still have one in my 2 channel system, used as a transport for SACD into a Bryston DAC3.  It has a weird quirk in that it always starts playing discs about two seconds into the disc, which others have noted is a function of the HDMI interface.  I also have an Oppo 105 in the same system and that is what I prefer to use.  I keep the Sony in case anything happens to the Oppo.
I still have mine and bought it new 20ish years ago. At some point it became finicky with less than perfect discs. It still sounds great, especially with SACD.
A beautiful, overbuilt to-a-fault (solid copper chassis) first of its kind SACD player. Bought as soon as it came out (early adopter). The problem was it wouldn't play half of the SACD discs I tried.
Sony could not fix (tried twice). Paid something like $1500 full retail. Sold for $150. Worst audio experience ever.
I have one as my transport. Heavy, solid CD player. Mine will play SACDs, but on hybrids it will only play the CD layer. As I am streaming more, spinning has become less important. 
I have one I bought new when they came out. It went back to Sony once for repair for not reading theSACD layer, within the five year warranty. They had it for four months! Still use it in my two channel system. Sounds good enough for me. (I listen mostly to vinyl) I have it on a Symposium shelf on roller blocks which improves the performance considerably.