Stuck at home? Make a kit!!

Hey all,

If you’ve been in audio for any length of time you might have talked shop about speakers, or amps, or tubes quite a bit. Maybe cables. If you are going to be quarantined, or socially isolating or just really don’t like other people (something I respect) maybe now is time to try a kit.

Lots of Pass fans here, so why not try a First Watt amp kit? Maybe build your own passive line stage?

How about pure silver interconnects? A speaker with a Be tweeter? How about a small coaxial speaker for the surrounds, or just to tinker? Desktop full range?

Build your own music streamer for Roon with a Raspberri Pi?

Got kids at home you need project ideas for? Just keep the solder fumes out of their faces, and use lead free. :)


You have done enough threads / mentioned it numerous times and I am sure if they are interested in doing a project they will.

not everyone is interested in doing this or yet alone has the time due to work, family or other every day life adventures.

i would like to make some different power cords as I need ones that are 10-12 ft long and by the time I look at diy or buying , it’s cheaper to buy one that can be made by someone else.     
Building kits is fun. If I were not baby sitting my grand kids I would be building a new pair of sub woofers.
I actually appreciate your consistent recommendation to build a speaker kit!   I’ve been on the fence for awhile and need the “push” to actually ever do it. 

You want to build a speaker, the place to start is build some subs. With speakers you may or may not be happy. Build a swarm though and I can guarantee you will be not happy, but ecstatic. Also unlike with speakers you will never outgrow it. Want more bass? Just build more! Seriously. Read the threads. Swarm. Distributed bass array. DYODD. 

Mine were well under $3k, and that is all-in, including amps and premium Rosewood veneer.  The quality of the bass, not just volume and extension but speed and 3D imaging, is true state of the art. You simply cannot achieve this level of performance DIY with anything else. Look at my system. I know what I'm talking about. Because I've actually done it.
Unless you're retired, being "stuck at home" means either working from home, trying to balance working from home with e-learning for your kids, or you've now lost your job due to the associated economic downturn. Fortunately I'm working from home but certainly have less time than ever to build a kit.
“Look at my system. I know what I’m talking about. Because I’ve actually done it.”

This guy doesn’t get tired of boasting....could it be that he’s stuck in a time loop? 😎