I have owned and used both meshplate and solid plate 2a3s from EML. I like both types. I ran a pair per channel in parallel single-ended configuration (Audio Note Kageki amps). Both pairs lasted a decent amount of time, although the meshplate went out of balance earlier (parallel single ended seems to cause tubes to become unmatched earlier than other types of operation).
The solid plate is more like a conventional 2a3--slightly lean sounding, open on top, tight bass and crystal clear and detailed. The meshplate bring something else into that same general description--the soundstage seems more expansive (the sound envelops the listener more) and there is a more dramatic presentation of the music--a heightened sense of presence and dynamics. Whether it is realistic or not, I liked the presentation of the meshplate tube, but, I will also say that this presentation is a bit "phasey" sounding and I can see someone not liking it.