Happy Scale

I found this reply interesting on the "Happy Scale" of our present systems vs. One's of the past.

Great topic to contemplate. In the mid 80's My first stereo at 23 was pretty good. 400 watts of SAE power,  Technics SBE 200 speakers, Thorens TD 124 TT. All vinyl. For me and my friends, it was unbeleiveable how good it sounded. Fast forward 30 years.... I now own a $40,000 Audio Note system. It may "technically" sound better but it doesn't make me any happier on MY happy Scale. My friends don't talk about my present system but they sure talked about my system 30 years ago. I was the guy with the stereo. It felt good.

Rich or poor keep searching to achieve those 10/10 happy scale moments. Happy is just plain happy. Period. It's what we live for.

Can anyone add to the mix...during these isolated times?

40 years ago my friends thought my system was so cool. SAE amp and pre-amp, Micro Seiki TT , ESS Heil speakers,reel-to-reel. Now when people see my current system (Schiit Vidar amp, OPPO cdp, Maggie LRS speakers) they think it's funny and make comments like" wow, you're still living in the 1980's" and "nobody has this stuff anymore". They can't believe I still have a cdp. Everybody now has movies in the cloud I guess. Or something. And all their music is in their phone.And they all have these crummy computer speakers. Or bluetooth. My brother threw all his CD's out a long time ago.He asked me why anyone would still want CD's. And why anyone would want stereo components. He thinks it's all so stupid. Try to tell them about sound quality and they think you're nuts.
So do my daughters.They stream everything. Audiophiles are a vanishing breed. We're anachronisms in the 21st century. mp3 music thru cheap plastic earbuds is all they need. I even went to Best Buy a couple years ago and asked a young guy who worked there if I could listen to a pair of Martin Logan electrostats. He got his phone out and got ready to play the files in it to demo the speakers via bluetooth. I said "you're kidding,right?" He said that's what everybody does.
Happier from the approval of others or the musical involvement of superior audio reproduction?
I know what I like better
The approval of others OR the musical involvement of superior audio reproduction.
I know what makes me happier.
At about 23, I was working as a sales guy at a stereo shop in Santa Cruz, CA,   I has Klipsch La Scalas driven by Paracas monoblocs (sr# 1 & 2), I think the preamp was an Audio Research, but I don’t recall the model.   Turntable was a Sota Saphire, with a JA Michell tonearm and a Panasonic Strain Gauge cartridge.   Shortly thereafter I swapped in some Acoustat 2+2’s for the La Scalas.

Great sound and so glad to have been in the industry back then.   I could never have afforded these toys otherwise. 

All of my friends thought I was nuts (and they were correct), but they loved to listen to their tunes on my rig.