MUST Have Vinyl

Lately I’ve been moving back towards vinyl.  I’ve got two really great TT’s but my collection of vinyl is pretty sparse; ridiculous I know!   What are your Top Ten must have albums?  Any genre.  Thanks for your suggestions!
Welcome back.

Like you, I tried other sources, but came back to vinyl.

I went on a reissue buying binge. Listened, then listened to original pressings. Strive to find originals. Yes D to D LP's are the best, just not enough of them around. Happy listening.
Hoodoo Man Blues - Junior Wells Chicago Blues Band on Acoustic Sounds. This album will blow you away. Sounds like your in the room with them.
Agreed with @aewarren. Consider what you loved listening to with your previous format, then find it on vinyl. 

I usually peruse the Hoffman forums for the "best pressings" of what I'm looking for, then head to discogs to find it. 

I also find great NEW music on my Tidal and Amazon stations. Enough of the greybeard rock. 
ALL the Beatles, OBVIOUSLY, and if you wish to hear them, the Sheffield Direct-to-Disc Lincoln Mayorga albums are excellent.

Classical, any Decca is usually OK, but specific orchestras and composers depend upon your personal taste.

I happen to like Linda Ronstadt and the Eagles, but many probably feel these are overdone.  Ronstadt has a wide and varied catalog and a voice second to none, although she likes Bonnie Raitt, so take your pick.

I also like some quirky stuff like the genius of Harry Nilsson, but that's just me and, of course, "RCA records and tapes."

I don't know opera, but others probably do. 

MOST important, enjoy the MUSIC!  Some forget that this is what it is all about.

I agree with @jimmydd and @aewarren but since you asked.

Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here
Prince - Plectrumelectrum
U2 - How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb & The Joshua Tree

Orbital - Middle of Nowhere
Love and Rockets - Lift
Massive Attack - Mezzanine 
These three are kind of a spacey British psychedelic/electronica style.

Butthole Surfers - Electriclarryland
A pretty good hard rock not to mention probably their most commercial  album with just a hint of their experimental early days on a couple of the tracks

Big Black - Atomizer
Aggressive guitar, bass and drum machine rock 'n' roll. This stuff is not pretty but it will get your blood flowing better than any 5 Hour energy drink ever will. Play as loud as you can.

Shellac - Terraform
Steve Albini again but this time with a human drummer. Songs are kind of sparse and a tad on the fringe, but maybe the best recorded drums I have ever heard

The Claypool Lennon Delirium - South of Reality
John's youngest son teams up with Primus's bass player. Well crafted psychedelic/art rock. This is NOT back ground music. It demands your attention, but is worth the time.