These seem a bit pricey $$$

Saw Steve Guttenberg’s review of the Credo 900’s the other day. I realize there is a lot more involved in the cost of a speaker than parts costs - labor, insurance shipping, dealer margins. OK, that’s called business. But 12K for these?
Just seems a bit out of line.
No, I never heard them.  Maybe they're worth it.
I was slightly surprised at the pricetag (I say slightly because there are so many very expensive audio products out there that nothing shocks me).  Before he mentioned the price I was guessing around $3 - 4k.  Best of luck to the company.

As far as SG goes, I enjoy his videos.  Mostly because of his enthusiasm for our hobby in general.  I think he does a great job of conveying a 'try it for yourself' attitude and just having a good time listening to music and gear.  Something lacking in many posts IMO.    
Anything Swiss comes with a huge price gouge, they've had centuries to develop the technique. Buy American.
One of the things I like about my oft mentioned Klipsch Heresy IIIs is they’re NOT another "tower with drivers and a tweeter in a box" 89db or so speaker. I’m simply bored with the sameness of the thousands of these things out there (and I’ve owned my share) so it’s high efficiency horns for me for the foreseeable future, with the ability to use pretty much any amp regardless of its output.