Are big subwoofers viable for 2 channel music?

In thinking about subwoofers to get for a large future listening space (30' x 30'). So far there seems to be a lot of great options for smaller subs for music.. such as the rel s812. Now my main focus will be music but I do plan to do some home theater on the system and I do enjoy subs that reach low and have strong but clear sub-bass. Would a large sealed sub still be able to provide clean tight bass that digs low and thus satisfy both duties. Can it ever match the speed and precision of a pair or more of rel 812s? Something like PSA S7201 or Captivator RS2?

A realize a smaller sub has a smaller moving mass and thus for a given level of power would be faster than a bigger sub with a bigger moving mass (driver mass). But a large sub would have to move less to achieve the same SPL and would reach lower.

Anyhow what do you guys think? Thanks.
RELs play really low from my experience.  I’m going to try Ryhtmik next time and see if they offer more punch.  
@b_limo  which rel are you using?
@millercarbon so you would do rel 6 pack 812s over say dual JTR RS2 or S7201 ?
I had an S3 SHO and returned it.  Had a T9i before that.  RELs are awesome in that they play low and have crazy finesse but they don’t really hit you in the chest.

Check out a pair of Rythmik F18’s for $3700.  

Another interesting option would be to buy 4 Tekton 4-10 subs and do a swarm.  That would be $3200 and you’d have 16, yes, 16 10” subs 😵

Ask big greg what he thinks of his Rythmik’s...his SVS SB 13’s are beasts too.  Note that he is using 4 subs.  Seems more is more better!
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The mass/speed issue is not real.

What is real is the integration with the room.  Smaller sub = less bass = less problems.

Otherwise, bigger is better. :)

A well treated room, including bass traps, is the best place to start.  Talk to GIK Acoustics for advice.