Sony XA7ES is this still a top notch player?

Im looking for the best bang for the buck.
Correct me if Im wrong,but wasnt the design from the XA7EC incorporated into the Sony SCD-1's redbook mode?
If this is true,it would appear the XA7EC can still hold its own.
My budget is ~$700 used.
I am also considering the Marantz 8260 but I have mostly given up on SACD as the titles being released are very far form what I listen to.
I feel I should just settle on a very good 2 channel CD player and let the big companies continue to churn out multi-channel,multiformat units..this 'aint for me.
Thanks for any info.
I did own from new the XA7ES for 6 years,(Excellent PRAT). I used the RCA out, and found it more musical than the XLR. It is the best bang for the buck. I loved it. I would recommend to get the power cord changed ,so you can put on a seperate PC. This will take you to a totally new level, " WOW". I would recommend either the Kubala-Sosna (Emotion) or for less $$$ Harmonix PC Master. I did this and trust me, you are only app 20% below all top of the range CDP.Yes I auditioned the Sony SACD CD1 to slow loading, a real pain, Linn CD12 better but not worth the price differenced. Wadia 861 ,I personally thought it was lacking speed.Mark Levinson 2 piece, I liked it - very expensive. Audio Aero MK11 if you got the cash, use copper IC's cables with this cdp.
For the $$$ -Bar None *** I would go for the XA7ES all the way. 35 Lbs of pure class A. Also Try some black racing cones # 3 under it it also improves detail, don't worry about the bass, it got it all.
I have now just swithed over to Ed Meitner New DCC2/Philips 1000 SACD CDP. Very happy
XA7ES is a great player, no doubt. The SCD1 is better (I have both) but it's a lot more $ too. IMHO, forget all the silly tweaks above (incl. power cord), and if you want to adjust the sound, just get an outboard DAC. Something like the RAKK DAC would be my recommendation. Still, the internal DAC is very nice in XA7ES. Note the XA7ES has a true differential balanced output, none of the current sony players do that (incl. SCD-1 - it derives the balanced out from some chips at the end of the signal chain).

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