The shams, scams and dead ends of the High Fidelity hobbie/passion/adiction

I am not real current so I may have missed a few. The ones I remember are SQ and any other name for "Quadraphonic", Perfect sound forever, and I will see what my fellow A’goNers can come up with. As a bit of a variation on a theme, I wonder what the most profitable B.S. audio trend/product was?...certianly the 8-track tapes sold well.....and ate themselves rather quickly.   

Sould likely have included the second D in addiction...

Same old bull #### by the same old artists:

  • "I haven’t tried any of the SR products, but I, you see, am an expert, and I just know this stuff is a scam, a sham, a con, and nothing but oil of snake. And, anyone who says otherwise is a shill."

In the early days I had both a Beta and VHS player, the TV station I recorded commercials at used a pro form of Beta.  This could be folklore, but I had been told that Sony wanted royalties for Beta and JVC did not for VHS...hence the success of VHS? 

JVC was smart and gave the technology away to a bunch of companies. VHS saturated the market so fast Beta never had a chance. Sometimes you have to ask less to make more. At the time I was a poor medical student and all my moonlighting money went into Hi Fi. I did not even have a TV. Life was bliss. 
As for the other junk, I do not have any of it. I make my own cables and spend any extra money on better electronics, speakers, subwoofers and analog stuff. Now That I have more income I will occasionally by a tweak that seems to make sense. None of it has made a difference I can hear. Altering frequency response and delays make a huge difference in comparison. 
Any cable risers that purport incredible sonic clarity. Unless you have cotton pile carpet and unshielded copper cables, you're not going to build up any electrogook interference. I used to use Thomas the Tank Engine riser blocks before regaining sanity. 
@wolf_garcia Note that Millercarbonresidue owns piles of what many consider to be useless tweaks from the profit margin marginalized mind of Ted Denny, and he pontificates ad nauseam about this stuff often...for this guy to single out Kaitty as one who promotes audio quackery is ironic, yet sort of fun.

Not only is it kind of fun, but Millercarbon was actually able to make a post without including another link to his virtual system.  Hope he is feeling OK.