Heaudio123 wrote: " I would argue that unless the speaker has poor/uneven off-axis response, then it is the room..."
Totally agree!!
Heaudio123: "...and I don’t agree with your argument about Omnidirectionals amplifying room irregularity, as they actually have the opposite effect."
My wording was obviously poor; I am NOT arguing that omnis amplify room irregularities! Quite the opposite in fact. Here is what I should have said:
IF room irregularity was the problem THEN omnis would be a bad choice for "problematic" rooms; but omnis are clearly NOT a bad choice for such rooms, thus we can conclude that room irregularity is not the problem.
(In terms of syllogistic logic, my argument takes this form: "If A then B; not B, therefore not A".)
Having hopefully cleared up the above-mentioned poor communication on my part, I agree with pretty much everything else you have posted in this thread. In particular you mentioned line source speakers... ime the 45-degree-pattern SoundLab fullrange electrostats work extremely well in problematic rooms, given sufficient distance to the wall behind them.