Questions about recording vimyl to computer?

I have watched some videos about the necessary hardware & software. And I have manipulated digital files such as conversion Flac to Alac (for Ipod) & download,  etc.  I have a lot of Flac & Alac  files already. So, I have plenty of computer & vinyl experience. Transferred many to cassette too. But none to digital.
I know I need Audacity and supposedly it is free.

I have a very good TT, Cart and phono pre. I have a laptop Win 7
Do I need a USB Audio Interface? Or can I go with my JLTi preamp to the 1/8 input jack on computer? Which will give best sound quality? Or does that matter to the 1's & 0's?

This USB Audio Interface has a phono preamp too, which quality may be sorely lacking. And considering I have a LOMC cart, maybe inappropriate for the job. Any suggestions? Didn't know whether to post in vinyl or digital.

Apart from digitising your collection, can any audio advantages be gained from this?Actually like the sound vimyl better than vinyl.
I wouldn't waste time trying to edit audio with Audacity. It is one royal pain in the ass.  Try to scare up an old version of Sound Forge.
I haven't used the latest since Sony sold it but it's probably worth $60.
The best was ver.5 by Sonic Foundry.  When Sony bought it they said it wouldn't work in WinXP.  It did.  Didn't work in Win7.  Does in Win10.  BUT it doesn't save to flac.  Ver.13 was written by Sony and is rock solid.  Just not as shortcut friendly as 5.  Sony gave me a ver.7 during WIn7.  meh
For vinyl I record in place to a CD recorder.  Then declick and master on a desktop.
can any audio advantages be gained from this?

I think to beat an entry level to mid price Pro Audio interface with Pure Vinyl you would have to spend a lot more on a phono stage. At some point pure analog without digitizing pulls ahead though. 

you can also do pop/click removal in software. 
I bought a Tascam DA-3000 some years ago and have not looked back. Best digital sound I've heard (with DSD128). 
@herman @pjr801.

This has nothing to do with sound quality and all to do with getting older and not wanting to do the vinyl dance all the time. Yes, I love my vinyl. And if CDP’s were still available, I would just burn my Flacs to CD. But the trend is streaming. How long will my 20 yr old cdp continue? Who knows.

Also note that I DO have a good phono preamp. I don't know much about the audio interface available. Maybe an inexpensive one will work fine. But I tend to lean towards my Peavey Board more.