The peculiarities of a high value, low cost, amp

Bought the acclaimed STA200, last year. 

Was surprised to find it can drive my Tekton Moabs with fully developed, detailed, musical sound. I've practically passed out in front of my Moabs, time after time, late at night, for the past six weeks, starting when they first entered my home.

When I push the volume into dynamics that persist into the 85db and up range, for the better part of an hour, the amp yields a fair amount of heat to the top of the chassis and the rear heat fins. This is concerning. Things start getting hot and I draw the volume down. I imagine I'm not the only one facing unseasonable heat with their amps... I keep my tuning mostly to jazz and acoustic sections. Occasionally, I get an itch for rock and roll or something that pushes the bass down and deep. A week ago, I played Lorde's "Royals" and could hear the amp struggle to push the bass notes out, full and clear. There just wasn't enough juice. This, of course, nudges me away from bass rich electronic content, somewhat regrettably, as I do love to embrace as much variety as comes my way.

Another piece, is that the STA is stated to NOT work (well?) with 4ohm speakers, and that is probably what is happening in my description of the limits of the higher volume and bass (electronic) heavy content. Now, I mostly keep my listening in the 85db and under range, and the music is gorgeous. I can hardly believe I'm riding on Moabs, a $500 amp, and a few other inexpensive pieces that collectively deliver sound that I never though I would be able to afford.

Still, the amp is running at its limit on the "bigger" bass pieces. I keep specifying electronic bass, but I'm sure there is more that would push the amp into heat mode. To be more precise, it is probably when deep bass notes are pulling 90+db that the amp fails to keep up, and what is a deep electronic bass note if you can't feel it, thick and full.

So, I'm curious as to your thoughts on what I'm running into... is the heat a problem? I hear it's damaging... If this amp is one of the "steals," but I'm running, on occasion, to its limits, what other "steals" are out there?

When I say steal, I think of things like what I'm reading about class D audio amps. For all of $600 or $700 I can bring an amp into my home that provides 400-600 watts per channel, accommodating the 4ohm load of the speakers... 

The Schiit aegir looks very attractive, but I don't think I will have more than 40 watts a channel and then the problem with Royals.

The Vidar looks interesting, could surely push the drivers more effectively than the STA, but I hear the highs are a bit forward and I want my highs right where they are - clear, pure, authentic, not at all harsh.

There may be some other interesting options, but keep in mind - I want very high value for my dollar. Used might be an option... 
Very happy with my Emotiva XPA-2 driving inefficient Maggie's and I play loud pretty much all the time (certainly above 85dB and mostly rock). 550w/ch into my 4ohm Maggies. $1000
I picked up a used Spectron MK lll class D amp to drive my Maggie's. 7's The old beast weighs 52lbs and drives the 4 ohm Maggie's with ease
and to my ears sounds amazing! I've heard D Sonic make an excellent class D amp for the money

Watch "Magnepan .7's & audio system" on YouTube
With most speakers 80W/ch gets you decent spls but not lifelike levels especially if delivering a lot of bass.

I have a 60w/ch Class D amp that performs similar to what you describe. I also have 500w/ch class d that plays as loud as one might ever want and never breaks a sweat.

Class D is great for delivering lots of power cost effectively when needed.

TEKTON is known for higher efficiency than most which should get you further per watt than most speakers but sounds like that is not happening enough in your case.
I've researched crown and my strong intuition is that the top end is not going to meet my standards. The mention of crown "valve" amps was interesting, perhaps a specific model could be indicated. My feeling (and research) is that crown produces a lot of power and that the amp is largely neutral, but I think I would see a loss of high end information, flattened soundstage, again- harder sound in the top end, or some combination thereof. Some reviewers mention these shortcomings. If you are sure I'm mistaken, direct me to someone who speaks thoughtfully and can provide some case-in-point examples of the dynamics I seek.

I hear wonderful things about Cherry amps, but they don't come cheap, starting well in to the two-grand range. I think I could get something amazing if I looked in the two to three grand range, but I am happy to hold out until other option bubble to the surface... 

I did bring an Emotiva amp of high power to my system, and, again, I found the top-end hard and harsher than I want. 

The combination of the Moabs and the STA200 is perhaps very slightly rolled off, and so there is absolutely zero listening fatigue. While there *might* be a very slight loss of top-end information, the vividness of the sound images throughout are absolutely captivating in good recordings. I can see, for example, that the only limitation in the sound (within the above stated volume parameters) is my ability to relax and really take in the fullness of the tapestry the system communicates. 

@mapman Ok, you've drawn me how is the soundstage? How is the 'realism' of an instrument, say a drum set, or a double-bass, a piano, etc. 

MY FAVORITE CD of the last few weeks is "Lofty's Roach Soufflé" by the Harry Connick, Jr. Trio. Gorgeous recording. Warm up your ears and system on song 1 "One Last Pitch" - get a feel for the instruments, but allow yourself to relax into "Hudson Bommer" and "Lonely Side" before drinking in the rest. You have to be able to truly slow down and appreciate the notes, the soundstage, the occasional vivid "crush" of the drum pallet. My STA200 does this CD proud. It is only the heavy bass material, in other recordings, where I find a substantive lack... I strongly sense that Crown products will not create a feeling of instruments opening upon my own living space, like my STA200.