Add an external DAC. Make my Oppo UDP-205 a true top player

I am not sold on my Oppo UDP-205 audio reproduction.  .  It plays all formats, but audio needs improvement.   Looking for audiophiles that have felt the same a bought a DAC..  Which one did you buy.  What works really well?
I felt the same about my 105, which I only used for SACDS, DVD-A etc and had a separate trans/dac for redbook. After many years my Pioneer PD 65 with level 3 Musical Concepts mod (+ outboard PS) , alas,about 2 years ago the laser died and is no longer made. This forced me to use the 105 for both and I was not happy. While I searched for a new trans, I came across replacement Oppo 105 power supplies on Ebay and a replacement IEC with pure silver tail that attached directly to the OEM PS board. It was pricey, but damn what a revelation. Now that I had the lid off I could see how easy it would be to upgrade the PS. Ebay options ranged from ~ $150-$300+. I went somewhere in between

I eventually got a new player/trans- a Marantz HD CD-1 which is excellent and was plugging it into an Audio Alchemy DDP-1 + PS 5. After several months I was jonesing for some DVD-A & SACD, but to play SACDs I had to plug the 105 direct into my then new amp (EVS 1200 dual mono class D: see my AGon thread) using the 105s VVC. Now my system is 100% Dif balanced (which in spite of the ignorance spewed in audioland is the only way to go) it sounded great. So great in fact that I have not gone back to my AA DDP-1 + PS 5. FYI, I use WireWorld Series 8 XLRs, and speaker cables which allows everything in front to shine
BTW, I owned quite a few Class D amps over the last 10 years, none compare to the EVS 1200, but I haven't heard GaN yet, but coming soon

You REALLY need to give a budget. That being said, I’m really happy with my W4S DAC.
I am extremely happy with my Modwright Oppo 205. It has a very good DAC to begin with and after Dan hot rods the output stage it’s killer.

You don't mention a budget, but neither do you specify in what respects the Oppo is lacking.  Resolution?  Air? Warmth?  Spatiality?

There are dozens, no, hundreds, of DACs out there that will take you in one or more of those directions.

The 205 is great for a multichannel.  Lots of better 2 channel DACs out there.  For 2 channel, my Chord Hugo has it beat.