For efficient speakers, how much difference does an amp really make?

I have ascend sierra RAAL tower speakers with 90-93db efficiency and 300W continuous power handling. I’m powering them with dual outlaw M2200 monoblock class AB/G amps rated at 200W into 8 ohms. It sounds good...but i can’t help but wondering if a different amp would provide greater clarity and low-end grunt.

I have been curious about an older adcom amp like the GFA-555 II or perhaps a parasound halo amp like the A23. 

To those who have had multiple amps in your setup, did you find significant sonic differences between amps, or is a subtle thing? I don’t want to start collecting amps, but I don’t want to deny myself the chance to improve my system further. Thoughts?
(or Prima Luna, if you’re okay with the whole CCP export virus thing) and sit back and laugh at how you ever thought anyone actually ever had a need for hundreds of watts.

Because yes of course there are huge- not subtle, huge- differences between amps. Especially when you get into good tube integrateds and discover what solid state has been trying (and failing) to be all these years. A 50 wpc tube amp. All the power you will ever need.
Isn’t your Melody and Dayton Audio Amp are came from the virus exporting CCP?

My speakers are fairly efficient as well.
 I have 650W mono’s on them.
i like the headroom, and the ease of the audio.
 I will never look back at less than 300+W rms.

 That’s just me.

you will need the headroom for finale, the crash from a sudden ending song, or a crescendo, with absolutely no chance of clipping., and the effortless capability of having more high quality watts.

been through quite a few amps/receivers since about 1985/86

 lived with 150w receivers amps for years, until I bought a amp which failed, and they gave me a sunfire 300 on loan, I’ve never looked back.

my .02¢
I had a pair of outlaws on trial..... they were ok but their ATI built amps sound much better.  Those speakers deserve better !!    The ATI 2002 is a bargain on the used market.  McCormack DNA 225 also great value used. 

I have had both in my system and although I have gone to the dark side, those are two amps I could live with again if I ever went back to SS.  I had the 225 on loan and actually bought a DNA 125 new, great amp that I regret selling.

Personally I would avoid something as old as the Adcom ...  those are pretty old at this point .   
Watts do matter if you want top notch dynamic peaks. That is basic physics.

A 50 watt tube or Class D amp may seem to deliver more per watt but that is mainly due to the fact that these amps soft clip which makes clipping more digestible to the ear by rounding off the peaks smoothly.

For best performance always best to be sure to avoid clipping, especially hard clipping like most amps but also soft.

How much exactly is needed is very speaker dependent.

My personal experience has been most any speaker benefits from more watts where the amp does not have to ever break a sweat to drive them.

I use 500. W/ch Bel Canto Class D. This will drive almost any speaker to lifelike volume effortlessly without ever getting warm.

I also have 60 watt Bel Canto Class D amp. This is lovely within its SPL limits with most speakers like a good tube amp but more limited in regards to ultimate dynamics and SPL.

If an amp does not clip, chances are it will sound good. What sounds best from there is much more subjective and harder to predict.
Years ago I worked in a TechHifi where we live demoed and sold most every line of receiver and amp from 15 w/ch to 200 or so.

The bigger model in every line always sounded best. Nobody ever chose fewer watts after listening because it sounded better.