Hey folks, just wanted to let you know that I have spent time with AVGuru and Jayctoy over the last few weeks listening to their systems, comparing notes, talking about the different "modded" players and such. These guys are class acts!
I currently have the Audio Aero DAC, and when AVGuru stuck it in his system, in his room, using the Esoteric DV-50 as a transport, the sound was indeed "magical". Miles never sounded better! We tried the same scenerio in my house, on my system, and while it was decent, it certainly was not magical. Goes to show you how important "system synergy" is.
Pscialli, congrats on your ModWright 999ES. I just decided to go this route as well, after extensive listening to Jayctoy's 9000ES. He was kind enough to let me borrow it for a few days. I felt that in my situation, the 999ES would give me the best sonics for the $$, along with SACD, and multi-channel and video capabilities. Heck, you can pick up a pre-owned 999ES between $500 and $600. Anyways, the redbook on the Jayctoy's 9000ES was quite impressive, maybe just a pinch under the Audio Aero, but the SACD was simply awesome! I look forward to putting the 999ES in my system!
Happy New Year, all!