The peculiarities of a high value, low cost, amp

Bought the acclaimed STA200, last year. 

Was surprised to find it can drive my Tekton Moabs with fully developed, detailed, musical sound. I've practically passed out in front of my Moabs, time after time, late at night, for the past six weeks, starting when they first entered my home.

When I push the volume into dynamics that persist into the 85db and up range, for the better part of an hour, the amp yields a fair amount of heat to the top of the chassis and the rear heat fins. This is concerning. Things start getting hot and I draw the volume down. I imagine I'm not the only one facing unseasonable heat with their amps... I keep my tuning mostly to jazz and acoustic sections. Occasionally, I get an itch for rock and roll or something that pushes the bass down and deep. A week ago, I played Lorde's "Royals" and could hear the amp struggle to push the bass notes out, full and clear. There just wasn't enough juice. This, of course, nudges me away from bass rich electronic content, somewhat regrettably, as I do love to embrace as much variety as comes my way.

Another piece, is that the STA is stated to NOT work (well?) with 4ohm speakers, and that is probably what is happening in my description of the limits of the higher volume and bass (electronic) heavy content. Now, I mostly keep my listening in the 85db and under range, and the music is gorgeous. I can hardly believe I'm riding on Moabs, a $500 amp, and a few other inexpensive pieces that collectively deliver sound that I never though I would be able to afford.

Still, the amp is running at its limit on the "bigger" bass pieces. I keep specifying electronic bass, but I'm sure there is more that would push the amp into heat mode. To be more precise, it is probably when deep bass notes are pulling 90+db that the amp fails to keep up, and what is a deep electronic bass note if you can't feel it, thick and full.

So, I'm curious as to your thoughts on what I'm running into... is the heat a problem? I hear it's damaging... If this amp is one of the "steals," but I'm running, on occasion, to its limits, what other "steals" are out there?

When I say steal, I think of things like what I'm reading about class D audio amps. For all of $600 or $700 I can bring an amp into my home that provides 400-600 watts per channel, accommodating the 4ohm load of the speakers... 

The Schiit aegir looks very attractive, but I don't think I will have more than 40 watts a channel and then the problem with Royals.

The Vidar looks interesting, could surely push the drivers more effectively than the STA, but I hear the highs are a bit forward and I want my highs right where they are - clear, pure, authentic, not at all harsh.

There may be some other interesting options, but keep in mind - I want very high value for my dollar. Used might be an option... 
I owned an Adcom GFA 555 ii for a number of years.  It's rated at 200 watts per channel into 8 ohms.  It is available on the used market for between $400 to $575.  It delivers a ton of current and controls the speakers/drivers very effectively.  Better yet, it sounds quite good and has maintained a strong following and high rating for SQ, all for very good reason.  Mind you, not the GFA 555 but the GFA 555 ii.  My speakers were very inefficient at just 83 db and the amp drove them to very high SPL.  Never once was there any indication of the amp not being able to keep up with heavy bass.  I have since sold all of the equipment and moved on to a significantly more grand system.  But I have to say, that amp was probably the most impressive component of my entire previous system.  Mine was in impeccable condition and commanded a selling price of $550 (I was asking $600 but took the offer for $550).  Do some research and you will find verification of what I am saying about this amplifier.  Honestly, it will be the best $500 you can spend on upgrading your system. Your speakers will come alive like you have never before heard them.  Good luck on your final decision/choice.  And by all means, enjoy the music.  After all, that is what truly matter.
Much appreciate the responses and angles of... attack...

@mammothguy54 The GFA is an old amp, pushing thirty or thirty-five (years of age), from what I'm reading. A replacement, the 555SE is also now ten or twelve or more years since release... I think the 555ii was quite good, given what I've read, but if I'm going to put down $500, I'd rather the amp be less than ten years of age... or I'd rather put down another $500 and have something very close to new the Van Alstine SET 120 might contend. The Class D Audio offerings might be interesting. Frankly, if the Aegir can handle the load, I'm thinking of heading that direction. The review of the Aegir that I just read made it out to be a lucious sound piece... 

@mrdecibel I appreciate the claim that the Job225 might have some problems, or reasons for not being produced these days... It's not for sale, while the STA200 is still on the market. I had heard that the 225 was an unsinkable ship. If you have a moment to explain, why are we no longer seeing sales of the 225? The review I read was glowing, so you would think they would sell something that reads as a success...

@dave_b I will take a look. I thought my Yamaha days were behind me, but I will take a look.

@jetter My speakers do not have terminals for biamping, unless there is some other way to hook them up...

@douglas_schroeder You must have a great deal of experience with lower quality gear, to make such an assessment. You leave me guessing at your experiences and I wonder if you have tried the Nuforce STA200 with 8ohm speakers. Most people have been surprised... I would benefit from understanding the "fatal sonic flaws" exhibited by the amp... It sounds crazy good, to me...

listening99, I have a lot of experience with low cost, Mid-Fi, lower, mid and upper end HiFi amps. I have used chip amps, SET, hybrid and from lower cost/power to upper end SS amps. If you want to see the amps I have handled in 13 years of reviewing for, see my Bio on the website. 

 I happen to have a NuForce integrated in my living room, as I run 3 systems of varying levels. I tried it in the main rig for kicks. It lasted about 1 hour before going back into the living room. Fatal flaws of the sort you describe. (Perhaps they are not considered fatal to you; they are to me when it comes to what I expect in the sound quality). Perhaps this clarifies what I meant by fatal flaws. I would use such an amp, but not in my primary rig. 

BTW, Lord's "Royals" is one of my reviewing demo tracks for the very reason you mentioned; it shows weaknesses pretty quickly.   :)

This is all moving just fine...

@douglas_schroeder So, having given this some thought, including some consideration of your review work - I did enjoy reading through one of your reviews. 

Here is my quandary, given your estimation of my amplifier. You call it a "fatal flaw" and we can both see that I have had it in my system, with perhaps two occasions where the bass was undernourished. In the important songs (favs) - those where dimension, timbre, spatial cues, and utter enjoyment are the absolute intention, the amp has set the stage for, along with the Moabs, truly delicious extended, nearly nightly, sessions of listening. I need to remind you of my beer budget - not the $10 and $12 dollar bottles. 

So, you have tremendous background, so where do I go to support the bass experience, while at least maintaining the mids and highs? What can I do, given that I have a $500 amp and now want an improvement that maintains my budgetary motivations. 

How do I make the dream rise out of this mist? Can I do it for $800? $1800? $2800?

Regarding the crown amps..... I have the older xls1500 and it sounds great IMO. It may have sounded a little cold and uninvolving in the beginning. Hooked up to a tube pre really fleshed everything out and sounds very good. The top end if anything is smooth IMO. Not a fatiguing amp. Another bonus is the gain controls on the amp. You can dial the gain to match preamp of your choice. Plenty of power for almost any application.