6922 Amperex PQ White label... D or O-getter? Holland or Hicksville?

Much has been written about the Amperex 5922/6D8J/E88CC. What's the concensus about the top choice for the meatiest, richest midrange? 
I don't mean the 7308 may have a diminished or attenuated midrange. It's a question of balance. The suggestion has been made (ie. Joe's Tube Lore) that some iterations are more "midrange forward" than others. However, with respect to sound, I suppose perception is reality. I'm especially interested in a 6922 iteration that has a palpable midbass.
I think the Heerlen, Holland tubes are generally thought of as being the midrange champs and the D getters as being a little more laid back or richer.  The small O getters are a little more lively.

Of course when you try these in your system you may wonder how in the hell people came up with those descriptions as they sound nothing like that in your system.
@tomcy6 , I think you're right about the Amperex Holland having the best midrange. And I've heard a difference between the small and large O-getters.  
I agree the D getter may add the warmth and richness.

Since we were speaking only about Amperex, I'd like to add that I'm now using a pair of 7308 1960 Philips SQ large O-getters in my Dac. These are more neutral with low-end slam and the midrange of the best Amperex. They were a Brent Jessee recommendation and replaced the US Amperex PQ.