How far away from your speakers are you?

I thought it would be interesting to know how people position their speakers... do you have the freedom to put them where you want or do practicalities dictate?.. How far away are they from the listening position?.. How big's the room and how far away are they from boundary walls? My main speakers (Seas A26) are 1' from back wall, 3' from sides in a 14' by 20' room and my listening position is  about 16' from the speakers. Just wondering how much floor space we're willing to give up to get the optimum placement.
83 inch equilateral triangle .
Believe  or not, just got new speakers , set them up for 83 by eye , got my tape out to get exact , I had hit 83 exact by eye .
Must be my 50 years of doing it !
A Dead Head wife with her own substantial LP collection who understood and enjoyed audio prior to our marriage and an invaluable partner in setting up and furnishing. 

Very close to Golden Ratio for speaker placement with very slight toe in as per manufacturer suggestions. 
Used the mobility of an office chair to fine tune seating position.
Crawl Test method to locate two subwoofers. 

Home theater in a separate room using perfect circle and uniform tweeter hight for 7.1 to locate six of the seven identical speakers.
Crawl tested the subwoofer location in the mode nearest the listening position. 
My listening room is the garage simply because I spend a lot time outside. I have a nice private space here for me, my system and my CBR 600 which is parked between (nice visual) the speakers The first pair of speakers are 7' apart second pair are next to them and 11' from the futon I relax on.I greatly enjoy the sound and the solitude .....and some of the neighbor's must enjoy it as I have on many occasion been asked to "turn it up I like that song!".

How are you guys measuring?

From ear to front baffle of speaker?

From general seating distance to front baffle of speaker?

From either of those to the plane of the speakers?

7-8 ft. from your ear to the drivers is VERY close. Not many speakers are coherent enough to pull that off. I think most of you are farther away than you think.
