New Yamaha integrated amps

Just a few days ago I checked the Yamaha site to see if they really were releasing a new S lineup. I read somewhere (maybe Reddit or here) that they were going to release updated S series integrated amps. Well, I checked again tonight, and voila! There they are---the new A-S1200, 2200 and 3200 (flagship). I'm in the process of looking for a new integrated and the 2100 was on my radar. I'd like to see what's different on these. I bet the older models will have some sweet deals. Has anyone seen or heard them yet! 
A used A-S2100 just went for $1200 here...super deal...I have the CD-S2100 and think it’s terrific...these models have been out for about 6 years now
I saw those the other day.  Very nice indeed.

"I'd like to see what's different on these."

One thing that is different, at least with the 1200 and 2200, they each now have a toroidal transformer instead of an EI.

"I bet the older models will have some sweet deals." 

I am hoping for a blow out price on an A-S1100.

"A used A-S2100 just went for $1200 here...super deal." 

Wow, no joke there.

I'm not convinced the move to toroidal transformers is a good one. The best attribute of the current crop of Yamaha integrateds is the bass extension. It's my suspicion that some of that is attributable to the EI transformers. Of all the amps I've owned, those with EI transformers have consistently produced superior bass. It could be a meaningless correlation but the move to a toroid alone is not enough to warrant one of these new models over the outgoing series at closeout pricing. It's not as though the current models have a high noise floor, especially not in any practical/audible sense.