Have a U-Turn turntable with Ortofon 2M Red cartridge. Upgrade cartridge or turntable???

I have a basic U-Turn Orbit turntable with Ortofon 2M Red cartridge that was included. The Ortofon cartridge is good but is sounding worn; and, therefore am considering a Denon 110 high output MC cartridge which will work with this table. . The table sounds good, but at high volume, I can hear a old level hum, and build quality is just OK.  I am thinking of upgrading to a Music Hall's "Classic" turntable with its "Spirit" cartridge at $599.00 ( which is their in house spike  I never seen reviews about this table and cartridge combo )  This is just my initial consideration and far from final;, but, I  will gladly consider any recommendations in the same price range in the $500-$600 price range.

Thank you, and stay healthy and stay home


I have a Stanton 981 HZS cartridge that came with a JVC turntable I bought.  It didn't sound that great, but I think the stylus was worn and of course, an original replacement is also unobtanium.
I also like the Rega recommendation and just move up the Ortofon line or consider a Nakagoka MP-110 ( $165 )
a new stylus in your ortofon cartridge (replaceable and/or interchangeable) is better than the new Spirit cartridge IMO

2M Series styli interchangeability:
The 2M Series' engines, coils and magnets configurations are not identical: Red and Blue are identical, so are the Bronze and Black and so are the true mono variants 2M Mono and 2M 78. Likewise, 2M series styli are interchangeable within the below combinations:
- 2M Red, 2M Blue and 2M Silver
- 2M Bronze and 2M Black
- 2M Mono and 2M 78
Dump the Orbit in a heartbeat. Music Hall are decent from my listening, Rega or Fluance are better choices. You can get a Fluance RT-84/85 w/ortofon Red MM for 499.00 USD

@chakster: I too wonder why the push against certain types of cartridges. Not all of us have an unlimited amount of funds so we get the best we can with what we have.

I have a Stanton 981 HZS cartridge that came with a JVC turntable I bought. It didn’t sound that great, but I think the stylus was worn and of course, an original replacement is also unobtanium.

You will find so many super positive feedbacks about Stanton 981s right here on audiogon from our Mexican or American users in the famous MM thread. For example @lewm is one who enjoyed it as far as i know. I’ve been using low impedance (low output) model of this cartridge. My favorite Stanton is SC-100 WOS (collector’s series 100). My Stanton cartridges are NOS or like new, so i can’t comment on worn cartridges.

I too wonder why the push against certain types of cartridges. Not all of us have an unlimited amount of funds so we get the best we can with what we have.

@jcipale Only honest opinion here.
" We get the best we can with what we have " - this is exactly what i've been doing for the last 7 years. I've learned that "the best" is NOT expensive (and not the latest), but cartridge design and stylus tip is important, it's about sound, high fidelity. I think i explained so many times why one $350 vintage cartridge is better than most of the modern MM cartridges for the same price. You're comparing bonded spherical or elliptical styli with nude line contact type, but the price is the same, so what you would get ? If you could compare in your system there wouldn't be any doubt what is better, especially if the price is the same or very close.