Speakers for Yamaha AS2100

Hello all, 

was recently able to purchase a Yamaha as2100 for a really good price and was wondering what speakers would pair well with it. Budget for speakers will be $2k but am flexible. Was wondering if I could get some feedback from any AS2100 owners. Looking for bookshelf speakers preferably. Listen to a bit of everything but mainly jazz and 80s music. Will not be playing at ear splitting volumes as I live in an apartment. And feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


for me I don’t like anything too dry or clinical sounding. I do however value tonal accuracy. I want a piano to sound like a piano, a violin to sound like a violin, and voices to me are a big priority. I’ve heard so many speakers get a lot of things right but the voices sound too nasally and unrealistic if that makes sense. I like totem speakers for their realism and musicality. Wonder if they would pair well? 
Call Fritz!  If you ask him nicely he would probably send you a pair of Carbon 7’s to try out for awhile.  
Take it from me though, you may want to be in a position to buy them beforehand.  I may shed a tear or two when these Carrera BE’s and I have to part...