RIP Art Dudley

Very sad news indeed. Never met Art but reading his writings over the years, I know he was a wonderful and very musical person. Just like the amazing Wes Philips he will be very much missed. Godspeed dear sir, and thank you so much.
Missing him already
the Band and the literate in heaven grew again today
Such a tragedy a great writer lost and a young man to boot. I loved Listener magazine and was a subscriber and loved Art's writing. RIP Art you are sorely missed.
I saw this news on Ken Micallef’s YT channel, and honestly just kinda went numb after hearing this news. Art was always one of my absolutely favorite writers anywhere. I didn’t know the guy personally, but still felt a connection with him. He seemed like such an amazing and gentle soul. He will no doubt be extremely missed.
Another irreplaceable. Only HP could be a greater loss. Immortals all the same.