McIntosh c2700 users please chime in?

1. Is there a big difference (besides the upgradable DAC module)?

2. How much discount (5, 10, 15%) should one expect to get if asked?

I may be looking to sell my BHK pre and then pay the difference for the C2700. Nothing wrong with the BHK. I also like the idea of tone controls. Plus, its hard not to like the blue meters :)
I agree. Maybe some dealers will not give one. That is totally fine. The BHK is a great preamp. The 2700 has more of what I’m looking for feature wise. 
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if you got a discount, good for you. You also bought 2 pieces. If you bought only 1, you probably wouldn’t have gotten anything. Regardless, I couldn’t care less.  Everyone thinks they are entitled.  Did you buy yours in Canada or the US?
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Everyone thinks they are entitled.

Why is it entitlement when seeking a better price? Stereo 5, you pay full price for a car? You pay asking for a house? If this is the case, then you really have probably threw away tons of money in your life. An $8000 pre amp is expensive. It’s not like buying a pack of gum and asking the store for 20% off. Just like with a house or car, the dealer can say no. If a dealer gets insulted, that is their problem. I say no all the time. Is the sales person "entitled" to receive the commission on extended warranties? No. However, they are going to ask..that is their job. I can say no.

"How dare you to a ask a Mcintosh dealer for a discount...Mcintosh is audio royalty and needs to be respected as such"......get over it