MOFI Yes "Fragile" UD1S (One-Step, Supervinyl)

I’ve had this now for awhile and have had a chance to listen to it several times through.

Another home run for Mobile Fidelity. Definitely in my top 5 of the UD1S releases, (which I have all of them).

"Roundabout" has always been one of my favorite songs, (top 10 for sure). Here, it is exquisite! Lush, open, dynamic and just hypnotic. Oh, and the rest of the album is just as good. Clean, QUIET surfaces with a wonderful black background!

Of course, excellent packaging and presentation like all of the UD1S reissues.

Highly recommended...expensive I know, but to me, well worth it.
$125 is way out of my play money range for an album unfortunately no matter how good it might be.

Even with my stimulus money.... lol
They are expensive, but so far, (I have all of them) they are in the top 1% of the best pieces of vinyl I own.

The new Mingus is spectacular too...
I've had my Fragile UD1S for a while now. Haven't played it yet. Or any of the others I bought. 

Right, @uberwaltz?! $125 will buy a Schitt Mani, fer Pete's sake. No album is worth $125 to me, but hey, if you've got the dough, why not? I'm used to getting by on very little $, and have had to make sacrifices to get the hi-fi and music I want.

And then there are the vintage drums. I traded some to Brooks Berdan for hi-fi; 1960's Ludwigs were his favorites. His favorite drummer was Ron Bushy of Iron Butterfly. I had to keep my opinion to myself in this case ;-) .