Child Damage Mitigation

Last week the wife and I brought a new baby home - our first - and it's been fun introducing her to the music we love. It dawned on me this morning that this child will be crawling before I know it and my lovely pair of Magnepan 3.7's might be sitting ducks. They're less agile than the cat, closer to the ground than the house plants, and more fragile than the couch. As I've calculated I've got approximately 6 months to find a way to prevent any child-induced damage so your input is greatly appreciated. What can I learn from the grand wisdom of AG about how to keep the kid away from the speakers? 
Baby gate  all the way across the front of the speakers . I made mine out of PVC and called it baby city. Although that was more of a baby jail. 
But seriously they arent very fast until after 1. 
If you aren't willing to build a moat around your audio equipment, I'm not sure you are in the right forum .... ;-)

Congrats on the new baby, hope you didn't steal her.....

(I'm here all week folks!! )

Sorry my friend, no advice I know of.  My cats are the closest and they are very well behaved.
Store the Maggie’s and get monitors with heavy stands for a next few years. Congrats on the little girl! 
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