Bias adjustment

I need to set the bias on my vacuum tube amplifier.  Does anyone know where I can BUY an amp meter that reads milliamps?  Most I have seen are for large AMP applications.
Thanks. I have a simple VOM also, but the CARY techs claimed that my bias setting was wrong and it burned out the KT-88. I know what I read on the VOM and it was reading 80 mA as it should be, but CARY kept insisting I had to send the amp back to them. I wouldn't buy a CARY PRODUCT again if my life depended on it. The techs are rude, sarcastic and think they know better than the client. Screw them!  And that's a FACT and you can post it if you want.
Sad but true. One of my first audio buds was a tech. Sharp as a whip, one glance inside anything and he could see what was going on and what to check and how to fix it or make it better. But all he did all day long was fix one simple thing after another (and to him they were almost always simple) and talk to one idiot incomprehensible and uncomprehending customer after another. It is apparently very hard to deal with morons all day long and then somehow flip around and assume this one here isn't just like all the other morons. 

Not saying he's right or wrong. Not saying you're a moron. Just saying it is what it is. 

If you want something really well made that works beautifully and where you will be talking with an intelligent and thoughtful human being in every interaction then you want to ditch Cary and talk to Keith Herron. Or for tube amps Raven Audio. In your situation I would totally go with Raven.

That is a bummer. FWIW, I would contact Ralph Karsten (atmasphere).
I'd bet dollars to donuts that he could help you diagnose the issue.
Thank you guys, for your input. I'll take a look at some of your suggestions. Have a nice weekend.
DMM or Analog

A good DMM Digital MultiMeter will cost 30-75 dollars. Self calibrate, there is no analog issues as with stick meters. Analog meters are not accurate, they have to be calibrated with a DMM, so why waste your money, your time, or you breath? If your lucky, 2-3 years. In oil for vibration control, still 2-3 years, but normally can be calibrated, with a DMM. Analog looks good, but really don't trust them...

Digital SELF Calibrates. or battery change time, one of the features.

There is no arguing with the numbers then.  Normally when you burn out a valve, burn it up, use it up prematurally, it normally points to over bias. 
You, need to know, supply and demand go hand in hand, with any amp, valve amps, more so.  Maintain 120 vac.  Get good valves, well matched signal and power valves. Use a DMM and you'll be happy. You can tell the tec you DID bias the tubes correctly. But you'll find out they were probably correct...
