I was joking as well, Audio Girl. Sorry, I'm often
taken as serious even at times when I don't intend to be. I only learned just last week what LOL means. Slow learner, I am.
Jactoy, we will definitely continue listening to more players. As for the Prima, we're not selling it until we can find a player that offers more dynamics and resolution without giving up the ability to play emotionally, at a gut level. If I'm missing the energy of the players, I'm not interested, no matter how 'right' a player is. In the end, we could still end up keeping the Prima for its ability to convey the humanity behind the music.
Ehfm--and Alex can correct me if I'm wrong--but his system consisted of a 2A3-based hybrid amp that he built himself, his modded 3910, double-stacked Dynaudio monitors, and silver wiring throughout. He was trying out Audience PC's on the CDP, and I believe on the amp as well. We were principally trying to discern the characteristics of the 3910, and how it might work in our system. We have SET amps/horns at home, and find that combination to be quite intimate.
All the best,