Need help on a CD player

Hi , My system consist of the following 

Conrad Johnson PV11 Preamp
Conrad Johnson MF 250 amp 
Paradigm 75F speakers, ML sub 
Bluenote 2i streamer 
Meridian 200 CD player
Meridian 563 DA converter . 
All cables are Audioquest 

Mostly listen to Jazz , some rock and some classical . My CD unit is WAYYYY old and I was contemplating replacing it . 
I don't care to spend a fortune . I do like the Marantz CD6006 and its a good price . I had thought about just upgrading the DA converter BUT with the age of the player I'm afraid it will crash in the near future and I will need to spend more . 
I do like the OPPO but don't care to buy used since they are no longer made . I am OK with $1k a the upper limit of price . Any and all opinions are greatly appreciated !  

Thanks , Chris 
I am looking forward in reading about the player purchased. Several excellent choices as above. Have fun!
Happy Listening!
@grinnell - Recived my Emotiva this afternoon. Hooked it up and proceeded to listein the the following as my quick-n-dirty reference:
Dave Grusin - Cinemagic: Lots of intricate interplay between keyboards, guitar, percussion, strings.
GoGo-Penguin - Manmade Object: Slow starting pieces that quickly build to a percussive interplay between the bass, keyboards and drums.
With both pieces, I thought I knew the music pretty well, especially 'An Actors Life' from the Grusin piece. I was a little off. Ther were some subtleties I had not picked up on before - such as the finger-picks of Ritenour, the 'ssssssssssssssssss' of the brush,
A very nice, solid unit.

Glad to hear it.  loving the cd's but also love streaming hi res music using the built in DAC.   and yes built like a tank
good price. better than mine :)

@grinnell - I am looking forward to playing with the other features that this unit has. I have never owned a DAC (outside of the standard CD player which my Carver was). The only thing I am missing is a headphone jack. I will need to break out my trusty soldering iron and fab one up.
@kiteflyer45 - since you did say any and all opinions I’ll go in a bit of a different direction.  Especially since you’re already streaming with the Node I’d use this opportunity to ditch the disc spinner altogether.  I’d sell the Node and get an Innuos Zen Mk.lll that is a better streamer and will let you rip all your CDs directly into it so you have access to all your music through it — make playlists, random play, etc. and never get off the couch.  And you can upgrade to Innuos’ external power supply in the future for a significant performance improvement.  Or you can just go ahead and buy another dinosaur.  Heh heh.