erik_squires8,583 posts04-19-2020 2:21pmAnswer my own questions then. Words matter!!!
If this was directed towards me, I am not obligated to reply to anyone. I often chose to reply to people who are nice and use complete sentences and make cogent arguments which leave open the possibility of a misunderstanding.
heaudio123367 posts04-19-2020 2:37pmI will take that as directed towards me ....
Channel separation is a measure of cross-talk between two complementary channels. Yes words matter. Understanding what those words mean is important too :-)
One source bleeding into another is also cross-talk. Tends not to be an issue in any competently designed product.
No guys I'm dence. It takes me a while to catch on, and figure it out.
But channel separation and crosstalk are two different things, when it comes to balance in a stereo. Crosstalk is the point where two channels cross and the communication between the two exist.
Channel separation is the point where there is not any communication between the two. Two entirely different thing.
I use to measure crosstalk, on a job site so I could get the best channel separation. Between wireless remotes.
That why I didn't understand.
No finger pointing, thumbs pointed back. No ones obligated to answer, I'm just obligated to TRY to understand. Personal thing...